Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 Unknown Blues Reunion - The Southland Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Workingmen’s Club Sat 25 Sep Route 66

“Route 66 1990-95

Rock, Rock ‘n’ Roll, MOR Covers

Band members:

Richard Byron (Porter), drums 1990
Colin Burke, drums 
Geoff Chilton, keyboards 1992
Roger Chilton, drums
Tony Edwards, guitar, vocals
Glen Hayes, guitar, vocals 1990-95
Carwyn Henigan, drums, vocals 1990
Mark Hewton, guitar
Taff Hewton, bass guitar, vocals
Craig Rodmell, keyboard, vocals, 1990-92, 95

Route 66 was a hard-working and popular pub and private functions band. They once played at the Mokotua Hall at a social night for the Sahara Desert Raft Club. After the gig a game of soccer was started across the beer-spilt floor, with one of the drummer’s toms as the ball.”

Source: 45 South in Concert


  1. Great Band. I remember when the original drummer Carwyn was in the band. He thought up the band's name. He was a really talented young drummer. It wasn't his first successful covers band, nor his last. He could play every music style from country to thrash metal... tight as. Haven't seen or heard from him in years. Loved the keyboard player Craig too. One hall gig we hired the band, he entertained on an old out of tune upright Piano after the gig. What a riot that was. Fabulous memories. Thank you Route 66.
